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Ladies and gentlemen, Sam and Charlie Woods, the two luckiest kids on earth. If you look really closely, you can see the Nike swoosh tattoos.

Charlie Axel Woods was born on Feb. 8 to Woods and his wife Elin Nordegren (well, mostly to Elin), and these photos from Golf magazine are the first public appearance of the lil' duffer.

"Both Charlie and Elin are doing great, and we want to thank everyone for their sincere best wishes and kind thoughts," Woods wrote on his website when Charlie was born. Woods, of course, has been out of the game since the U.S. Open in June 2008, but expects to return to competition in the next few weeks ... just in time to dodge the majority of diaper-changing duty.

Indeed, Charlie is a lovely and precious kid. Now, Chuck, tell your daddy to get back to work!

(For the best in daily golf coverage and baby pictures, be sure to bookmark Yahoo! Sports' Devil Ball golf blog and follow us on Twitter. It'll be fun.)

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