The head of the Center for the Conservation of Natural Resources (BKSDA) province of Jambi, Jambi Wurdjanto didy on Thursday (19 / 2), said the crocodile was buried in a cemetery near Putri Ayu (the daughter of the king, who gave origin Jambi Jambi Kingdom first hundred years ago), because in the tomb of the saint.
"Agriculture is protected Sinyulong was buried in a cemetery near Putri Ayu because people assume that the sacred tomb. Comunitarias must follow a course," he said.
The crocodile, when he called the first time, many people are clumsy, as the body wrap bracelet crocodile, as well as people pull back into the lake.
"When the crocodile was released a number of people have become possessed, it seems that trust is a resident crocodile Putri Ayu incarnation," he said. Jambi community every year or for several days or in the good days and good days always berziarah Putri Ayu menyempatkan time to the grave, as in the legend of serious Kramat, that a society that can provide security, food, mat, etc..
Sinyulong Agriculture indicate that keputihan snout, it is also one of Jambi maskot after the Sumatran tiger (Panthera Sumatrae Tiger). Agriculture is very much living in the rivers and streams Batanghari Sipin lakes in the area east of the mouth pantain Jabung Regency Tanjung Barat and Tanjung Jabung Timur Jambi province.
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